Wednesday, 13 December 2017

How can we describe an analyse the narrative within our music video?

My music video utilises a linear narrative structure which can be examined via Todorov's theory of narrative. Todorovs theory of narrative has the foundations of that every media text has 3 acts and along them there is equilibrium, disruption of the equilibrium and finally the discovery of a new equilibrium.
My video starts with the main character receiving a text signalling the parting of a relationship, this is used as a proairetic device because it drives the story line onward which is then conveyed by the character biking in time with beat of the song. In addition to this, the text at the start is used as a framing device for the video because it sets up a story.
For the duration of the video we are in a disequilibrium because it is about the guy talking to his ex-girlfriend about why they have split. But fitting with the theory of narrative, the disequilibrium is overcome at the end.
Roland Barthes theory of open and closed narratives also applies to my music video due this overcoming of an equilibrium provides closure to the audience.

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Shooting Schedule

Initial Idea

The idea for my music video is to follow one character around on a "calm down walk" after having a fight with a girlfriend. But also for him to be part of the band and for it to be flicking back and forth between the story line and the performance.

I took inspiration for this idea from the video 'Something Good Can Work' by Two Door Cinema Club because they blend the use of performance and other clips very well. Furthermore it is a similar genre. I also intend to use my GoPro in production as it adds a unique effect to the video giving it a more summery vibe.

Thursday, 23 November 2017

My Target Audience

The demographic of the average member of my target audience would be males aged 18-24 and in the socioeconomic status of C2 -D - E according to YouGov Profiles LITE :